Offering recommendations for services you don’t provide has a lot of potential benefits. To start, it makes you an even more valuable resource for your clients. It adds to your credibility. The more often that clients call on you for an opinion or a recommendation, the more loyal they’ll be to you.

There’s also a potential liability. If the client isn’t pleased with the company or professional you recommend, it can reflect poorly on you.

With closing/title companies, clients are particularly open to hearing your recommendation. Very few clients have existing relationships or loyalty to a closing/title company; recommending a company that provides excellent service can be an easy win for you.

The right closing/title company can ensure a smooth, efficient, trouble-free transaction and enhance your credibility with your clients. Here’s how to find and evaluate a closing partner that will make you an even more invaluable resource to your clients.

Ask the Right Questions

To earn your recommendation, any potential referral should be able to answer the following questions to your satisfaction:

  1. How many underwriters do you work with and which ones?
  2. Can you provide references from other real estate professionals?
  3. How do you handle title issues that arise during the closing process?
  4. What additional services do you offer to add value to the transaction?
  5. How transparent are you with closing costs and fees?
  6. How responsive and courteous are you?
  7. How many in-house counsels do you have?

The answers to these questions will tell you a lot about your clients’ experience. If the company has worked with underwriters or other professionals you know, contact them for additional insights.

One note regarding title issues that arise during closing: Ask what proactive steps the company takes to find and mitigate potential issues before the closing process. Cornerstone conducts thorough preliminary research to identify potential issues early, preventing last-minute surprises that can derail deals. We’ve combed 19th-century deeds and railroad rights-of-way, ancient subway maps, and obscure agreements filed in small courthouses to help clients solve issues and decide whether a deal was worth pursuing.

Listen to What Others Say

When talking to other professionals who have worked with a potential referral, dig deeply into their experiences.

Other professionals have praised Cornerstone for its exceptional reliability and commitment to client satisfaction. They’ve noted our ability to present solutions rather than problems, the clear and upfront communication about issues, and our extensive network of trusted professionals. Compared to other title companies, Cornerstone is recognized for its personalized service, multitude of attorneys and underwriters, attention to detail, and proactive approach.

Count the Deals

It’s simple: When it comes to experience, more is better.

The number of deals Cornerstone has worked on reflects our experience and ability to handle virtually any scenario. Over the years, we’ve learned how to solve and mitigate common and major issues and build strong relationships with industry professionals. This experience translates into more efficient closings through fewer delays and open communication with all our clients and partners. It builds trust.

Surprises can be fun, but not at settlement. We work overtime to ensure surprises don’t happen.

Look for Value-Adds

Does the closing/title company go beyond providing good service to also build your knowledge and expertise? Does it give back to the industry?

Cornerstone actively supports your business. We offer more than just transactional services, contributing to your long-term success. We educate every professional we work with; host networking, educational, and wellness events and seminars; and maintain a list of experienced, vetted professionals who can help you and your clients. We can explain all costs your clients will incur upfront, so they fully understand every detail of the transaction.

Our goal is to help your clients make informed decisions every step of the way and understand what’s happening, why it’s happening, what it means, what’s going to happen next, and what (if anything) they should do.

Our second goal is to give back and support the communities where we live and work, as well as the professionals who share those communities with us. Recommending and partnering with Cornerstone can transform your real estate transactions, ensuring smoother processes and happier clients.

Please contact us to learn more. Ask the toughest questions you have. Attend one of our seminars or other events. You’ll see why Cornerstone has an unparalleled reputation in the industry.